Content Activation Discover how content activation is illuminating the darkest corners of enterprise content, much like a guiding light in a digital warehouse.
Typography insights Discover webfonts' impact on UX, explore flexible variable fonts, and the shift from Calibri to Aptos in Microsoft Office. Font choices matter.
Different tools because of third-party cookie changes The end of third-party cookies marks a digital transformation. Explore how it's reshaping tools for audience understanding and engagement.
Webpages require strong headings Headings are like signposts that point the way through the text. Headings give good readability for humans and search engines. I revisited this basic but vital skill.
Identity unmasked Explore 'identity' in the digital era, its dual role in admin and online worlds, and the convergence enabled by facial recognition tech.
Account, profile and identity I wanted to zoom in on online accounts and profiles. Here is a comprehensive overview to understanding the essential aspects of your digital life, from sign-up to log-in.
CMS, Content Platform, or DXP? Discover CMS, content platforms, and DXPs, how they handle content and user experiences. Real-world examples like WordPress, Contentful, and Sitecore included.