Review: Building a StoryBrand, Donald Miller

Donald Miller's Building a StoryBrand offers a clear and actionable framework that will help you craft stories that captivate and convert.

Review: Building a StoryBrand, Donald Miller
Building a StoryBrand, Donald Miller

Finding a good way to discuss your product or service can be challenging if you don’t have the experience. To then be guided with a framework can be really helpful. Is this book by Donald Miller a good guide?

Let the book speak for itself

Every day, most business leaders make a mistake that costs them money: they don't explain clearly what it is their company does.

The StoryBrand Framework is a paradigm-shifting approach to connecting with customers that provides the ultimate competitive advantage, revealing the secret to helping customers understand the benefits of using your products, ideas, or services. Building a StoryBrand teaches:

  • the seven universal story points all humans respond to
  • the real reason customers make purchases
  • how to simplify a brand message, so people understand and act on it
  • how to create the most effective messaging for websites, brochures, and social media

Building a StoryBrand will forever transform the way you discuss who you are, what you do, and the unique value you bring to your customers.

Clarify your message so customers will listen.

What did StoryBrand do for me

I read the book carefully and used the framework that goes with it. Used it successfully to craft a campaign for a client. It gave me good insights in what storytelling is, and Miller is generous with tips and advice. Because I was more or less a novice to storytelling, the framework also helped me get started and follow the right steps.

One of my main takeaways was to see branding and the story around a product from the perspective of the prospect rather than my story. To see the customer as the hero and myself (or the client) as a guide.

Do I recommend the book? I do.

Especially for people or entrepreneurs who are new to storytelling and feel they need some guiding and protective rails to navigate the challenge of telling a convincing and exciting story.

The SB7 framework

In the book, Miller talks about the SB7 framework. Those are seven principles or elements you can identify:

  1. A character
  2. Has a problem
  3. And meets a guide
  4. Who gives them a plan
  5. And Calls Them to Action
  6. That Helps Them Avoid Failure
  7. And ends in success
Storybrand, SB7 Framework, example journey
Storybrand, SB7 Framework, example journey

With these steps, you can start clarifying your message and work it into a story with the provided tool called the StoryBrand BrandScript. Once this stage is set, the book takes you by the hand and talks you through all the seven elements.

Again, for me, it really worked, and it got me going quickly.

Storybrand, SB7 Framework, downloadable framework
Storybrand, SB7 Framework, downloadable framework

The framework can be downloaded (with providing data) for free here:
