Review of transcription software: Tactiq versus Fireflies

Join me on a journey as I test and contrast Tactiq and, seeking the best transcription tool for video meetings in a web strategist's life.

Review of transcription software: Tactiq versus Fireflies
Match between to very capable giants of online video transcription giants, Tactiq and Fireflies.

As a web strategist deeply involved in the world of digital communication, the efficiency and accuracy of transcription software in video meetings is crucial. My journey began with Tactiq, I wrote a review when it just hit the market. However, intrigued by the growing popularity of, a tool that came highly recommended by a friend, I embarked on a detailed comparison to see which better suits my professional needs.

Initial Impressions

Tactiq, which relies on browser plugins (mostly Chrome), was my go-to choice for some time. However, as Chrome isn't my primary browser, this posed a minor inconvenience. presented a different approach - a bot joining meetings directly, which worked seamlessly across Google Meet, MS Teams, and Zoom.

Evaluating Key Aspects

  1. Quality of Transcription (Including Dutch): After conducting several meetings with both Tactiq and active, the verdict was clear. provided more accurate transcriptions, especially in non-English languages like Dutch.
  2. Ease of Use: Both platforms offer user-friendly interfaces. However,'s bot integration makes it slightly more convenient, bypassing the need for specific browser dependencies.
  3. Integration with Other Apps: While I haven't fully explored this aspect, both platforms offer integrations with apps like HubSpot CRM. It's reassuring to know these options are available.
  4. Meeting Summaries and Insights: Both Tactiq and provide meeting summaries and insights, albeit limited in their free versions. I found taking these transcripts to ChatGPT for further analysis more beneficial.
  5. Mobile App Availability: edges out with its iOS app, allowing users to review and listen to meetings and their transcriptions on the go.
  6. Costs: Both platforms are competitively priced, offering limited free accounts and a standard tier at around $10 per month when billed yearly.
The web interface

Personal preference

Despite both being competent in their own rights, my preference leans towards The bot’s ability to join meetings across various platforms without the need for specific browser plugins is a significant advantage. Moreover, the superior quality of its transcription, particularly in Dutch, aligns better with my professional requirements.

However, it's important to note the potential issue of vendor lock-in and privacy concerns with such solutions. While these tools offer significant benefits to a freelancing web strategist like myself, they might not be ideal for everyone, especially in contexts where privacy and security are paramount.

Closing thoughts

The evolution of transcription software like Tactiq and is a testament to the advancements in AI and its integration into our professional lives. As technology continues to evolve, it's essential to stay informed and choose tools that best align with our individual needs and workflows.

Fireflies offers services through AskFred. I was not able to test the real time services during the meeting but it sounds like something very useful. This is what he does:

AskFred is available for questions during the meeting. It allows users to ask questions about what happened during the meeting and receive answers in a conversational style. AskFred is designed to provide ChatGPT-like conversations during meetings, enabling users to ask about meeting content, action items, engineering tasks, and other relevant topics.

Additionally, AskFred can help with follow-ups by generating emails, tweets, or blog post drafts based on the meeting transcript. It functions as an AI assistant that can answer questions related to meetings, understand decisions made, and clarify meeting content in real-time

In addition to the primary vendors we've discussed, I received valuable suggestions from my LinkedIn network. Here are three noteworthy options to consider for meeting transcription and content enhancement:

  1. Much like, harnesses the power of a bot to streamline meetings and transcription processes. It's an intriguing choice for those seeking automation and accuracy in their meeting documentation.
  2. Bluedothq: For those who prefer the convenience of Chrome extensions, Bluedothq offers a solution similar to Tactiq. Its integration with the Chrome browser provides users with a seamless transcription experience, making it an accessible choice.
  3. Going beyond mere transcription, places a strong emphasis on elevating the quality of meetings. With a focus on coaching teams and closing deals, it promises to enhance not only the documentation but also the overall productivity and effectiveness of your meetings.

These additional options expand the spectrum of meeting transcription solutions, catering to various preferences and priorities. It's important to thoroughly evaluate each one to determine the best fit for your specific needs.

Thanks to Andrii Fediv, Alexander Radchykov and Matthieu Hattab.