Write for the web and find your voice and words.
Webpages require strong headings
Headings are like signposts that point the way through the text. Headings give good readability for humans and search engines. I revisited this basic but vital skill.
The Essence of User Experience (UX) and UX Design
Dive into the world of User Experience (UX) and discover how UX Design and AI collaborate to create engaging and efficient online experiences.
Review: “How to Write Copy That Sells" by Ray Edwards
Discover the art of persuasive copywriting with Ray Edwards' "How to Write Copy That Sells." Get practical techniques from an expert and craft sales copy that converts in today's digital world.
Review: Trust me, I'm lying. Ryan Holiday
You can learn to fight at the gym or by joining a gang. I read the book that predicted Fake News and reviewed it. This book is part history and part timeless.
Will ChatGPT replace the content writer?
Discover the impact of ChatGPT on content writing! While the industry will undoubtedly change, replacing content writers is unlikely.
Difference between Copywriters and Content Writers
A copywriter is trained in persuasion and a content writer in the journalistic traditions of finding facts. When does this short circuit a creative project?